
p3l3's portal to the Universe: 2019 True Colours Chapter 3, containing virus's (point 4) etc, principals, theories, expressions and implementation

2019 True Colours Chapter 3, principals, theories, expressions and implementation 2019  principals, theories, expressions and implementation. Many will know of these terms, the ideas of which, some have already implemented, some are in the process of, some may want to and some may not be too be aware of. Protection using 4d technology, nanotechnology, photonics, micro biochemical technology, crypto security services, 4d scanning, projection, quantum computers, wafer thin quantum chips, printing and location device technology. The world will be a better place, with the synthesis of these technologies plus other more advanced technologies, integrated into society for safety, wellbeing and security. VR 3d, 4d are a more intense, in-depth and immersive experience, with scanning of the atoms, cells, body, rooms, buildings, roads, countryside's etc coupled with existing technologies. These technologies are an excellent advent, however come with dangers, precautions and concerns. Examples...

True Colours - The return

True Colours - The return Laws of the Secretary General @p3l3 After careful contemplation, over many millennia, this is how it has to be, for World Peace on Earth. Laws of the multiverses I propose a Solar System Strategic Council (SSSC), collectively governed, by the Galaxy Strategic Regional Council (GSRC) and The Universe's Strategic Alliance System (USAS). 1st of all, the Planets & Bodies, both foreign & domestic, in our Solar System (SS), have to be managed from the Nearest Habitable Planet (NHP). This currently, in this time zone, is the Planet, being Earth. For the USAS to function smoothly, the GSRC must be satisfied, by the stability & functional operations, of the SSSC, & it's individual member Planets, objects & bodies, both foreign & domestic. However, the problem arises, that Earth & other planets, which may fall into the NHP eventually, are not falling into the regulations of the SSSC & higher gove...