True Colours - The return
True Colours - The return
Laws of the Secretary General
After careful contemplation, over many millennia, this is how it has to be, for World Peace on Earth.
Laws of the multiverses
I propose a Solar System Strategic Council (SSSC), collectively governed, by the Galaxy Strategic Regional Council (GSRC) and The Universe's Strategic Alliance System (USAS). 1st of all, the Planets & Bodies, both foreign & domestic, in our Solar System (SS), have to be managed from the Nearest Habitable Planet (NHP).
This currently, in this time zone, is the Planet, being Earth. For the USAS to function smoothly, the GSRC must be satisfied, by the stability & functional operations, of the SSSC, & it's individual member Planets, objects & bodies, both foreign & domestic.
However, the problem arises, that Earth & other planets, which may fall into the NHP eventually, are not falling into the regulations of the SSSC & higher governing Systems, like the GSRS, the USAS and the higher current organisation, The Multi Dimensional Time Constraints Foundation (MDTCF), who are the current top dogs, or gods or legions.
Why Earth.
Earth is a prime example of a NHP With regulation breaking. The USAS has decided that Earth, the most currently NHP, in the SSSC, shall undertake a new structure, to prevent war on it's soil or catastrophic actions occurring.
This shall be a SSSC rollout, for all current past and future NHP's, including, now & future bodies in this SS. The rollout, would consist of an Earth World Leader, (EWL) to include bodies, foreign & domestic. This will currently be myself as the EWL, primarily to pass on my billions of years experiences of equality, friendship, togetherness and ultimately, to save this NHP, within this dying SSSC.
There will be, 2 World Leaders Representatives (WLR), & WLR Support Workers, (WLRSW's), selected from each established country, Provence or republic.
A Council of Country Leaders, representing the EWL, will promote the legislation from the EWL & The Conglomerate of WLR's & WLRSW's.
Negotiations are finally passed upwards to the SSSC, the GSRC & the USAS. I state these rules as I have seen, will see and have willingly undertaken the task, for wellness, stability, support and survival.
I have come to you from the future, where we have witnessed the extinctions before, where we see another one coming, very shortly to this NHP.
I have taken a one way ticket, from my current stable paradise of Alpha Ventura Delta 007 (AVD007) SSSC, to come, as with my title Secretary-General, to assist in all ways possible, for survival within this SSSC Alpha Centura Beta 808 (ACB808), containing Earth the NHP. I will be fair, as your delegates from the WLR, are here to put solutions to be negotiated.
Why not fix it from afar?
However knowing we can break time, our laws in the USAS, state not to use this power of time travel, as development over billions of years, is very fragile.
I am the Secretary-General of the USAS, and have been tasked to inform you, that you must now comply, before your planet goes into extinction.
My message and presence, has been approved by the larger body, The Multi Dimensional Time Constraints Foundation (MDTCF) which, has a clause to allow a General of the USAS, to inform vulnerable NHP's, SSSC's & their neighbours, within the GSRC's to become extra careful in their actions.
On the NHP, Earth, the Continent wide & other closed areas or bodies within NHP, must adhere to the word from the MDTCF, otherwise a war of total extinction, or a trial experiment, or a natural population, OR a command from the MDTCF Command Centre (MDTCFCC) to take control against your will would occur. They have the technology to render all defence systems on Earth or the closest NHP useless.
The MDTCF have the laws, powers and actions, to not waste 3.7 billion of developmental Earth years, for more terminal catastrophic calamities to occur, purely due to racing technological exponential random acts of irregularities to repeat themselves in correctly.
The Solutions and the Treaties
We call these, the Treaties of Time Space Continuum (TTSC), which have a higher ratio of success of Successful Star Systems (SSS), to Fallen Star Systems (FSS), Galaxies and Universes. Considering the laws from the MDTCF, and the first chapter of the True Colours, these treaties, aid the point system, for the True Colours Hearts Scheme.
The ACRIMUS (Awarded Cryptocurrency Rounded Into Micro Universal Symbols) collection points system, converts to a higher completion ratio, for development of other New Founded Star Systems (NFSS). Points are still awarded for good duties on the NHP, SSSC for your own creation of your Generated Star Systems (GSS). There is an awful amount of work to be done, in the development of a GSS, hence why a treaty has been issued for similar hearts and ACRIMUS points to be undertaken by a conglomerate of hearts points.
There are no barriers when a new SSSC and NHP are to be formed, all points carriers can move freely between SSSC's and NHP's provided they are all chipped. For that is where the No Hearts can slip in. Hence why the Bleeding eyes title of Chapter Two, as I witnessed the birth and death of Alpha Ventura 805, (AV805), one of the oldest SSSC's.
Some say I have a Green Heart💚 because I always win, but others say I have a Purple Heart💜 as I have endured billions of years of torture and pain, and can be quite ruthless. However enough about me, as mine, the other hearts & the Gods, were in sheer sadness at the loss into the void of AV805.
Luckily we salvaged as much as possible, from seeing the No Hearts, taking upper hand on a over zealous SSSC, which moved too rapidly. Hence the reason for my turning up to be EWL, as you have accelerated internal issues. You are a well kept secret but the NH's have pin pointed US, AS a valuable source for their greed.
The NH's can never sustain a NHP nor a SSSC, due to their sheer greed, which leads to poverty, plagues, catastrophes and extinction.
Chapter 3
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